Useful Contacts
Dumbarton District Womens Aid
Tel: 01389 751036
Fax: 01389 750550
E-mail: (for children and young people)
Other Women’s Aid Groups:
- Clydebank Women’s Aid: 0141 952 8118
- Argyll and Bute Women’s Aid: 0870 241 3548
- Hemat Gryffe Women’s Aid: 0141 353 0859
- Women with learning difficulties: 0208 522 0675
- Domestic Abuse Helpline (Freephone): 0800 027 1234
- Parentline Scotland: 0800 028 2233
- Childline - (Freephone): 0801111
Victim Support
- Victim Support West Dunbartonshire: 0141 952 2095
- Female and Child Unit, Clydebank: 0141 532 3331/3400
- Emergency: 999
Community Health and Care Partnership (CHCP)
- Clydebank Area Team: 0141 562 8800
- Dumbarton Area Team: 01389 608118
- Vale of Leven Area Team: 01389 608080
- Emergency Out of Hours Service: 0800 811505
- Clydebank Area Housing Office: 01389 738625
- Dumbarton Area Housing office: 01389 608999
- Vale Area Housing Team: 01389 608900
- Emergency Out of Hours Service: 0800 1971004
Health - Accident and Emergency
- Vale of Leven: 01389 603840
- NHS 24 Helpline: 08454 24 24 24
- NHS Inform Helpline: 0800 22 44 88
Benefits Agency
- Clydebank: 0141 951 3100
- Dumbarton: 01389 736400
Reduce Abuse and Education
- Reduce Abuse Project: 0141 952 4074
- CARA project (Challenging and Responding to Abuse): 01389 738 595
West Dunbartonshire Violence Against Women Partnership
- Tel: 01389 738 680
Legal Advice
- Scottish Child Law Centre: 0131 667 6333
- Citizen's Advice (Clydebank): 0141 951 1778
- Citizen's Advice ( Alexandria): 01389 604705
West Dunbartonshire Advice Services
- Free Phone: 0800 980 9070
- Office: 01389 737050
Other Websites
- (for children and young people)