Get Help Now
In an emergency always call 999. Tell your children they can do this too & practice what they would say.
Dumbarton District Opening Hours are: Monday-Thursday 9.30-8.30 or Friday 9.30-5 (excluding public holidays)
Contact the Domestic Abuse 24 hour helpline, outwith those time-see details of this & other numbers on our Useful Contacts page.
Keep any emergency phone numbers in your mobile or with you all the time.
It can be useful to make your own Safety Plan.
- This might be keeping documents you might need (especially identification) in one place (e.g. birth certificates) alongside an amount of money/bank or benefit details and/or documents (e.g. passport).
- You may have insurance documents, mortgage agreements & so on-you will know what would be handy to bring (you might want to keep copies)
- Pack an emergency bag with a few items (e.g. small supply of clothes & toiletries) in case you need to leave suddenly.
- Essential medication.
- A few personal effects you want to keep (e.g. photos or sentimental objects) or your children's favourite toys.
- Address book.
Ideally, leave when the abuser is not there.
If violence erupts, tell your children to go to a neighbours you can trust or a family member.
Try to stay near a door where you can escape and avoid rooms (e.g. kitchen) where there are knives etc or where you might be trapped.
Keep a spare set of keys for house (in case you are locked in) & car (to drive to safety) beside keys for your work.
It can be useful to keep a record of the abuse & any visits to GP or contact with police etc alongside any documents relating to solicitor/court reports etc.