Comment 1
"A mother with whom I am friends suggested that I contact my local Woman’s Aid group for support…(as)..this was an extremely difficult time, for my children and myself. This was however, one of the best things that I have ever done, the support was considerable and I am not saying this lightly, moreover I doubt I would be where I am today without the support from my Counsellor at Dumbarton District Woman’s Aid. This has been my support for over (three) years.
The support that I have received has been incredible and through this support I have been able to learn how to adapt and manage my own anxieties, which were considerable, to a place that I am actually able to manage my levels of stress and anxieties. Moreover to keep my mind on the present and to focus on the positives that happen each and every day no matter how small and no matter how difficult, to see these positives and build on those strengths. At first I was seeing my counsellor every week and then we progressed to every two weeks, now we see each other every month. I thank the counsellor with all of my heart as she has helped more than she could ever know. This woman has assisted me without agenda or necessarily agreement nor taking sides, she has shown empathy and has always given a willing ear to listen to all my traumas. Then she has gently guided me to a place of strength, through focussing on all the positives that never fail to present themselves in all of our lives day in and day out, its just when we are so low we can not see them for ourselves. She helped with empathy and support and has probably saved my life.
I cannot speak highly enough about Dumbarton District Woman’s Aid and all the wonderful things that I have experienced first hand. It is a service that I value with all of my heart and do not know what I would have done without such a service. It has helped a mum to deal with the life traumas that happen in our society within our families and to make things better for all concerned. Thank you to Woman’s Aid."
Comment 2
"There is no way of effectively expressing just how much (the Counsellor's) help and support has meant to me. Without the safety, stability and support (they) provided, I wouldn't be where I am now. She gave me the strength and courage to ask for and accept the help I needed…There is no doubt that I am a changed person from the one who first came to see (her). And for that she has my endless thanks and appreciation…The service she provides to countless women is amazing."